Friday 6 September 2013

Breaking News

Worrying news bulletin this morning. A survey suggests that the water vole population has declined by a fifth in the UK.  My first thought: Henry Davenham.

The Environment Agency and Wildlife Trusts say that weather patterns, loss of habitat and predation are to blame.  My second thought: Henry Davenham.  However, this water vole situation has been going on since 2011 so, I am pleased to know,  Henry Davenham, Ship's Cat & Most Gorgeous Puss, cannot be held entirely culpable.

A letter from Moira yesterday, addressed to " Cuxton Cisterns" with Mr. Badger on the envelope...

Today may be the day we exchange this washing up arrangement...

....for this....

...and this method of bringing water on board.....

...for this...

Excitement unconfined!!!!

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