Sunday 1 September 2013

A New Verb


A reminder to self that the back surface of the ply has been coated with the liquid medium PVA which acts as a moisture barrier.  From noun PVA (Polyvinyl acetate, PVA, PVAc, poly (ethenyl ethanoate), a rubbery synthetic polymer, formula (C4H6O2)n. Belonging to the polyvinyl esters family, general formula -[RCOOCHCH2]-.  A type of thermoplastic.)

- verb (used with object)
To coat or cover (something) with PVA.
Eg:  She is going to PVA a piece of ply-wood.

- verb (used without object)
To engage in PVAing as a protective measure during construction.
Eg: The wood has now been PVAed.

ORIGIN:  2013 vb Modern Kentish;  1925-30 (source: Wiki); German 1912 disc: Fritz Klatte

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