Thursday 24 January 2013

The Cat

We have a cat.

Catherine (spiritual friend) reported this revenant feline sashaying through the (closed) door, very much at home.  Donna (spiritual cousin) espied its tail disappearing under the table.
We long for cats and dogs to share our home so this otherworldly creature is most welcome. 
I have interrogated Kip and Moira, both of whom  have form when it comes to psychic episodes but Puss hasn't made itself known to them.
Neither has it appeared to the Captain although he HAS sensed a presence in his cabin on a couple of occasions. He thinks that may be human....

I have not seen it.  Apparitions never reveal themselves to me. I do wish they would.  Or, well, suppose they do and it's just that I don't see them.....?  There was a cat flap in the door of my cabin; I plugged it with a piece of wood to stop the draught.  Maybe Puss was affronted, took it as an unfriendly act and ....
Perhaps I should unplug it.

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