Sunday 1 December 2013

Fun With Friends & Rubber

 Sunday, the day of the re-shrouding.

The lovely Rolf & Richard were enlisted.  


Various options were considered on the question of how to manoevre the roll along the quayside and then heave it on board.  Hod-carrying it on the pallet, well,  that idea barely lifted it off the ground.  The Egyptians and their pyramids were discussed but huge logs were not exactly in abundance.  Rolling risked punctures and unreeling and shouldering its heavy, limp length would have required several extra bods.   Much debate before we settled on the pole through the middle which was a great success.

Having carried it thus far...


Then Richard came up with the ingenious idea of "the loo roll"  as a means of unravelling...








Discussing strategy...  

Ciggy break... 

and coffee... 


Then, refreshed for the task ahead...  



The flagpole was a casualty but we will reinstate it - unfortunately a few inches shorter but still able to perform its stately duty.

It took a considerable amount of grappling to haul the unwieldy PVC
over the roof and unfold it...

Job done!!
Thank you SO much our Wonderful Neighbours, we couldn't have managed without you!  
And, as Richard said, it's amazing how much fun you can have with friends and  and a piece of rubber!




After a heavy day's slumbering and a hearty dinner, Henry was peckish...

He had a fancy for cheese and crackers as Daddy was having some...

which, what with all the chewing & crunching involved, made him feel a bit sleepy.  Just needed a little shut-eye before going out for the night...  


We haven't told him but he missed out on the yummy hotdogs we treated ourselves with for dinner!

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