Tuesday 26 November 2013

Water, Water - Everywhere

During a period of heavy rains a couple of months ago, the shower room in the stern was saturated.  We were aghast when we saw it....


Oh groan...  Just look at the huge drops hanging on the beam and the soaked-dark floor...


The tile sheets were separating themselves from the walls, the shower tray had an inch of water lying in it and the newly plied floor was sodden.  Rain had dripped through the ceiling from the roof which is perforated with holes and whose skylights are leaking.  How grateful we were for Steve's unbending insistence that the light fitting must conform to the strict electrical regulations for bathrooms and be watertight!
Rainwater also infiltrated my cabin, slipping through the panel joints, sliding down the wood, seeping under the bookshelf and plopping into my pillow.
Receptacles were assembled, reams of plastic and dustbin bags were defensively spread out.

So, three weeks ago the Captain and I decided to re-shroud the wheelhouse and Best of Brothers Mark came to the rescue with more metres of Butyl rubber pond liner.

First, the long suffering, much-moved palm had to be relocated...



...as did the crocuses and begonia which had benefitted from our neglect...


The solar light panel also had to be relocated...


The heavy lining was dragged into position...



and unfolded...


While we were having a tea break, radiant shafts of dusty sunlight....

Boat Husband worked on the wheelhouse roof while I battened the lining to the sides...

Henry supervised occasionally...


between sleeps and stretches...

We worked until it was too dark to see.

Henry was done in.


Unfortunately, despite our efforts, water is still finding its way in to my cabin. I cannot bear to check on the condition of the shower room... 
Although the butyl stretched across the wheelhouse roof and over the funnels, it was not quite elastic enough to entirely cover the engine and shower room roof.
Fortunately, Best of Brothers Mark has connections in the esoteric world of pond linings and we are awaiting delivery of 25 metres of PVC. 
Then, we hope, there will be water, water, everywhere - except inside.

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