Thursday 11 July 2013

Electrifying News

You might not think that the subject of this photograph is extraordinary enough to warrant a picture of its own but this is no ordinary electric socket and cannot go unremarked upon.  For this piece of plastic - although identical to the millions of other such receptacles - represents  a leap into a new age for Davenham: the Age of Electricity.

Electrification is not an entirely new state for Davenham...

Since the day Davenham arrived at the marina, a single blue cable has contorted its way through her,  feeding a multi plug which connects to other multi plugs and extension leads - an arrangement so complex that things have occasionally  been plugged into themselves for some baffling time before the metaphorical light went on.

Christine (engineer, fabricator, organ-player and all round extraordinary woman) related a story which is clearly legend amongst electricians as Steve - a man himself full of interesting stories - had heard it before.
An ex-pilot who, given his job, should perhaps have been a little more savvy than he was, installed sockets throughout his house.  When he plugged in and nothing happened, an electrician was called out. 
"Where are the cables?" The electrician asked, poking about behind a socket.
"Cables? I didn't know you needed those." The ex-pilot replied, "I've never seen them...."   
A reasoning which, in a way, makes perfect sense.  After all, the method by which power is delivered is, largely, invisible.

Until the fuse board, the inverter, the batteries etcetera, etcetera are all installed, our blue cable will valiantly continue its work but - and although there have been and will be many more hero/ines of many hours to report on - Steve, as you might imagine, is the hero of this hour.

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