Tuesday 18 June 2013


I feel like Juliet on the balcony with her cooing  lovelorn endearments at me from down there... 
It's all very nice, this adoration, but really, DOES she need another photograph...?

Mind you, I do look sweet...

And look at this one....

This is one of my favourites.....

Study In Blue.  
My idea...a touch of artistry I thought.  Good grief though, it took at least four shots to capture the mood and I'm STILL out of focus...

Crikey, what a mess! 
 I'll lend her a paw in a minute if she tickles me under the chin -   I do like it when she does that.  I'll jump in a box and make her laugh or something.  

But I'll just dispatch this vexatious fly first....

I'm whacked....

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