Tuesday 18 June 2013


I feel like Juliet on the balcony with her cooing  lovelorn endearments at me from down there... 
It's all very nice, this adoration, but really, DOES she need another photograph...?

Mind you, I do look sweet...

And look at this one....

This is one of my favourites.....

Study In Blue.  
My idea...a touch of artistry I thought.  Good grief though, it took at least four shots to capture the mood and I'm STILL out of focus...

Crikey, what a mess! 
 I'll lend her a paw in a minute if she tickles me under the chin -   I do like it when she does that.  I'll jump in a box and make her laugh or something.  

But I'll just dispatch this vexatious fly first....

I'm whacked....

Monday 17 June 2013

Ode To Rope

Ode to Rope

As I cast off for that very first time,
The "rope" in my hand has now become "line".
And hauling the sails to the top of the mast,
That "rope", now a "halyard" holds strong, taught and fast.
Then sailing in brisk winds full force on a beat.
The sails are trimmed in by that "rope" that's a "sheet".
And now at my anchorage with sails safely stowed,
I trust in that "rope" that now serves as a "rode".
Through all my life I will never lose hope,
Of a reason or time to play with a rope.
I found this  naval poem by Anonymous at.. 

U.S.S. Walton (DE-361)
"A Webpage For Those Who Served Aboard Destroyer Escorts."

...during a search for poems about ropes because I think they deserve to have poems composed in their sinewy,  muscular honour. 

These are some of Davenham's...

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Sunday In The Kitchen

As the Captain said, this could be a picture of the surface of the moon, taken from the porthole of the lunar module.
It is in fact, a picture of the mud, taken from the porthole of our Little Ship's kitchen.
Sticking our heads out to discern where we stand in relation to the waterline, we discovered that where we stand,  is up to our waists in river.

These are some other things we saw through our portholes.....

I say "kitchen" rather than "galley" because Davenham does have an authentic

It says so on the door. 

And the Oxford Dictionary of Etymology says of "galley" (n.) ....

According to wikipedia...
"A small kitchen on deck was called a caboose or camboose, originating from the Dutch: kombuis which is still in use today. In English it is a defunct term used only for a cooking area that is above decks."

Meals for four men and a captain, at least three times a day, would have been created in its cupboard-sized space.

We have been using it as a larder for over a year, alternately freezing and melting its contents, depending on the weather.  
But last weekend the tins and packets and bottles and jars were relocated......

The Captain, in yarmulke (he found, he liked, he wore).

Henry (MGP), checking things were being done to his satisfaction.

The kitchen isn't ACTUALLY listing - that's my photography.  True North, John, professional architectural photographer, will be appalled. 

After another busy day at work Henry (MGP) was worn out.

Tuesday 11 June 2013


This admin is such a bore....

 I don't remember it being in the job description....

 It's not advisable to focus on one thing for too long...

 Look away from the words - the experts are always saying so on the radio - look away and 

  I'll just rest my eyes for a moment.....  

Hmmmm.....I'll deal with the correspondence later. 

Good thing I can touch type.....
Secretary AND Ship's Cat....   Honestly, over-worked and under-fed......where WOULD they be without me!

Okay, okay ....just a quick photo shoot before the evening's mouse murdering then......  I'm supposed to be off duty now....! 

They're such high maintenance my humans...

The camera loves me....