Saturday 27 October 2012

Fashions and Friends

This season's must-have outfit. 
Accessorize with bubblegum pink Marigolds for that jaunty look.

The Captain and the honorary Ship's Dog.
  Fraternising with the crew.  Whatever next.

A memory: The Captain and I are sitting on deck in the not-too-warm afternoon – he in shorts and flip-flops and a thick body fleece and I in summer frock, scarf and long thick woolly cardigan.  We are the very picture of The English In Summer – chilled to the core but determined and damned if we are going to sit indoors on an August Saturday!
A photograph:The Captain may make me walk the plank for this one …

Four special people and a dog.


  1. Even we, Mark & Sandra, having a close knowledge of Fleur, Captain and her ladyship Davenham, are fascinated by the ongoing story and uncanny coincidences that brought the three together.

  2. Hi Fleur and Jonti, we have just been made aware of your blog by Sandra, and think its "bloody marvelous" an so intersting from what we have read. Keep it up so thea when you guys sail away into your sunset we will have a lasting memory of what took place. Happy birthday for New Years day. Keep in touch, love Reggie & Uncle Gerry
